I have recently written a piece for Spectator Life on why goose are back in fashion this Christmas – following the news Theresa May favours goose over turkey. Here is a photo story about how I plucked and gutted my own goose for Christmas, making sure to save the fat for the roast potatoes – just like our Prime Minister likes them. Read more
Archive for ethical carnivore
Photo stalking the red deer stags on Ben Damh

This 8-pointer stag is in the height of the rut, roaring to demonstrate his willingness to fight for the chance to mate with the hinds.
If you have already read chapter 14 of The Ethical Carnivore, you will understand this is a little bit of a postscript… Read more
Blowing my cover…

The cover of The Ethical Carnivore published by Bloomsbury September 2016
After much deliberation, The Ethical Carnivore has a cover and the build up to publication has begun. Read more
You know most of the time I’m veggie – right?

Parmigiana at Henderson’s
The best thing about only eating animals I kill myself is being vegetarian most of the time. Read more
Why eating squirrel can be the ethical option
In the latest update to The Ethical Carnivore project, I eat grey squirrel killed as part of a programme to protect the red population. Read more
Want to meet the farmer? Come to a dinner party in a field
Photos of butchers – because we probably don’t appreciate them enough
The number of butchers shops in Britain has fallen from 30,000 to under 6,000 in the last 20 years. It’s a shame because butchers should be the point of contact between you and the farmer who raised the meat on your behalf. Read more